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Extending a plug-in

Extending a plug-in

Before you begin, be sure to complete the Installing the sample plug-in tutorial.


This tutorial uses the Typicode REST API as a guide for how to build a Zowe CLI plug-in that interacts with REST APIs on the mainframe.

At the end of this tutorial, you are able to use the following new command from the Zowe CLI interface:

zowe zowe-cli-sample list typicode-todos

The completed source for this tutorial can be found on the typicode-todos branch of the zowe-cli-sample-plugin repository.

Creating a Typescript interface for the Typicode response data

First, create a Typescript interface to map the response data from a server:

  1. Within zowe-cli-sample-plugin/src/api, create a folder named doc to contain the interface. The interface specifies the properties that we expect from the JSON response.

  2. In the doc folder, create a file named ITodo.ts.

  3. Edit the ITodo.ts file to contain the following code:

    export interface ITodo {
    userId: number;
    id: number;
    title: string;
    completed: boolean;

Creating a programmatic API

Next, create a Node.js API for the command handler to use.

This API can also be used in any Node.js application.

  1. Create a file named Typicode.ts in the zowe-cli-sample-plugin/src/api directory.

  2. Edit the Typicode.ts file to contain the following code:

    import { ITodo } from "./doc/ITodo";
    import { RestClient, AbstractSession, ImperativeExpect, Logger } from "@zowe/imperative";

    export class Typicode {

    public static readonly TODO_URI = "/todos";

    public static getTodos(session: AbstractSession): Promise<ITodo[]> {
    Logger.getAppLogger().trace("Typicode.getTodos() called");
    return RestClient.getExpectJSON<ITodo[]>(session, Typicode.TODO_URI);

    public static getTodo(session: AbstractSession, id: number): Promise<ITodo> {
    Logger.getAppLogger().trace("Typicode.getTodos() called with id " + id);
    ImperativeExpect.toNotBeNullOrUndefined(id, "id must be provided");
    const resource = Typicode.TODO_URI + "/" + id;
    return RestClient.getExpectJSON<ITodo>(session, resource);

    The Typicode class provides two programmatic APIs, getTodos and getTodo, to get an array of ITodo objects or a specific ITodo, respectively.

    The Node.js APIs use @zowe/imperative infrastructure to provide logging, parameter validation, and to call a REST API. See the Imperative CLI Framework documentation for more information.

Exporting the interface and programmatic API for other Node.js applications

Edit the zowe-cli-sample-plugin/src/index.ts file to contain the following code:

export * from "./api/doc/ITodo";
export * from "./api/Typicode";

This allows a separate, standalone Node.js application to use APIs from the sample Typicode plug-in to get data from the REST API at

The following code is an example of how a Node.js application could import classes from your API to interact with the Typicode REST API:

import { Typicode } from "@zowe/zowe-cli-sample-plugin";
import { Session, Imperative } from "@zowe/imperative";
import { inspect } from "util";

const session = new Session({ hostname: ""});
(async () => {
const firstTodo = await Typicode.getTodo(session, 1);
Imperative.console.debug("First todo was: " + inspect(firstTodo));

Verify that you can build the programmatic API

In your terminal, issue npm run build in your terminal to verify a clean compilation and confirm that no lint errors are present.

At this point, you have a programmatic API that can be used by your handler or another Node.js application. Next, define the command syntax for the command that uses your programmatic Node.js APIs.

Creating a command definition

This tutorial creates the following command in Zowe CLI:

zowe zowe-cli-sample list typicode-todos`

Defining the syntax of your command

  1. Navigate to zowe-cli-sample-plugin/src/cli/list and create a folder titled typicode-todos.

  2. In this folder, create a file named TypicodeTodos.definition.ts.

    Edit the TypicodeTodos.definition.ts file to contain the following code:

    import { ICommandDefinition } from "@zowe/imperative";
    export const TypicodeTodosDefinition: ICommandDefinition = {
    name: "typicode-todos",
    aliases: ["td"],
    summary: "Lists typicode todos",
    description: "List typicode REST sample data",
    type: "command",
    handler: __dirname + "/TypicodeTodos.handler",
    options: [
    name: "id",
    description: "The todo to list",
    type: "number"

    The TypicodeTodos.definition.ts file describes the syntax of your command.

Adding a command to a command group

Add the newly created TypicodeTodosDefinition to the list command group to enable users to list to-dos by running the zowe zowe-cli-sample list typicode-todos command.

  1. In zowe-cli-sample-plugin/src/cli/list/List.definition.ts, add the following code below other import statements near the top of the file:

    import { TypicodeTodosDefinition } from "./typicode-todos/TypicodeTodos.definition";
  2. To the children array, add TypicodeTodosDefinition.

    For example:

    children: [DirectoryContentsDefinition, TypicodeTodosDefinition]

    The command is added to the list command group.

Creating a command handler

  1. In the typicode-todos folder, create the file TypicodeTodos.handler.ts.

  2. Add the following code to the TypicodeTodos.handler.ts file:

    import { ICommandHandler, IHandlerParameters, TextUtils, Session } from "@zowe/imperative";
    import { Typicode } from "../../../api/Typicode";
    export default class TypicodeTodosHandler implements ICommandHandler {

    public static readonly TYPICODE_HOST = "";
    public async process(params: IHandlerParameters): Promise<void> {

    const session = new Session({ hostname: TypicodeTodosHandler.TYPICODE_HOST});
    if ( {
    const todo = await Typicode.getTodo(session,;;
    } else {
    const todos = await Typicode.getTodos(session);;

    The if statement checks if a user provides an --id flag. If yes, the command handler calls getTodo. Otherwise, the command handler calls getTodos.

    If the Typicoce API throws an error, the error is forwarded to @zowe/imperative to log the error and display an error message in the terminal.

Verify that you can build your plug-in

Issue npm run build to verify a clean compilation and confirm that no lint errors are present.

You now have a command definition, the command has been added to the list command group, and you have a handler.

Using the installed plug-in

Issue the command zowe zowe-cli-sample list typicode-todos.

Refer to zowe zowe-cli-sample list typicode-todos --help for more information about your command and to see how text in the command definition is presented to the end user. You can also see how to use your optional --id flag:



You extended an existing Zowe CLI plug-in by introducing a Node.js programmatic API, and you created a command definition with a handler.

For an official Zowe CLI plug-in, you would also add JSDoc to your code and create automated tests.

Next steps

Try the Developing a new plug-in tutorial next to create a new plug-in for Zowe CLI.